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The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish

A Gorgeous Showstopper for Marine Aquariums

The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish Dendrochirus brachypterus has a dazzling appearance in hues of black, red, and white. Stripes in these colors appear vertically across its body and along its pectoral fins, while the other fins are transparent with stripes of the same colors. The pectoral fins are large, and fan shaped, giving it its showy form, and is where it gets its name. The feathery nature of the fins make it difficult for potential predators to visualize its shape and to recognize it as prey.

Its dorsal fins are shaped like quills, which is understandable since this is where venom is housed.

In addition to the stunning display it creates in marine aquariums, many aquarists report their Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish will recognize and respond to them after a period of time, forging a strong bond between the two.

How can I distinguish male Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish from females?

Females and males have different physical looks. Males usually have larger heads and longer pectoral fins than the females. They are also more colorful, having about ten colored vertical bands on their pectoral fins compared to as many as six for females.

Are Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish reef safe?

The Dendrochirus brachypterus is reef safe with caution. Although it will not bother corals, it will be a concern to other aquatic life, mainly small fish and crustaceans that will fit into its mouth. Also, it should not be housed in an aquarium with any other fish that will nip at its large, showy fins. Because it is venomous, check our Marine Compatibility Chart for potential tankmates.

Are they hard to take care of?

Care should be taken when handling this Lionfish species so its spines are not damaged. In addition, aquarists should take precautions to protect themselves from being stung. If stung, the caretaker should soak their affected hand in hot water (but not hot enough to cause scalding) for at least 30 minutes after removing the spine and then seek medical attention to prevent a secondary bacterial infection. If the person stung is sensitive or allergic to the sting, they should seek medical attention immediately after the incident.

Semi-aggressive in nature, the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish Dendrochirus brachypterus is hardy and disease resistant if it is fed properly and optimal water quality is maintained. Disease resistance is part of its genetic makeup, as it has a thin membranous lining on its body that the fish will shed to rid parasites attached to its body. However, if this lining is shed, aquarists should monitor the water quality and check for parasites in the aquarium and take action to correct any problems.

What are the tank requirements for keeping the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish?

This fish can grow to seven inches and requires an aquarium with a minimum of fifty gallons of water. Because it is a nocturnal fish, it should have areas to hide such as rockwork, caves, crevices, and overhangs.

How do I acclimate the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish?

Especially during acclimation, it will find seek comfort in hidden areas of the aquarium with subdued lighting.

This member of the Scorpaenidae family is a carnivore. Patience on behalf of the aquarist must be practiced during acclimation to entice this fish to eat. Live saltwater feeder shrimp is a good choice for this purpose. To establish a regular eating routine, caretakers must bear in mind that because the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish is active only at night, their low metabolism requires they be target fed only every other day. They will eat any food provided, but overeating could cause intestinal blockages so should be avoided.

Is the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish easy to breed in home aquariums?

There is little information available about the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish breeding successfully in captivity.

The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish has a moderate care level because it does require dedication during acclimation, research to ensure compatible tankmates are chosen, and special handling to entice it to eat when initially introduced to a home environment. But aquarists will be rewarded with a beautiful aquatic showpiece that will add awe and inspiration to their marine aquarium.

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