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Nano Corals

The Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse:

A Prized Species for Reef & Marine Aquariums

The Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus lubbocki is a highly colored Wrasse with a peaceful temperament. In nature, it lives on shorelines of coral reefs where there are deep, well established sand beds.

Are Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse reef safe?

Yes, it is. The Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse is a dynamic addition to reef aquariums and will not damage prized corals.

Are all Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse born female?

The Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus lubbocki is a member of the Labridae family. In nature, it lives in the outer reef areas or within branches of coral.

The males are more colorful than the females, displaying a vibrant red body color and a blue-to-purple color that creates a chain link or latticed pattern, along with a yellow dorsal fin. Its head is a red color. The colors of the male are even more pronounced during courting. Although the female displays the same colors, it does so in more subdued shades and is still an incredibly beautiful marine fish. There can be differences in coloration depending on place of origin.

Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse are born female and have the ability to become male later in life. In a harem with no male, the most dominant female will become male.

This Wrasse has an easy care level, so beginners as well as aquarists with more experience can keep it successfully. They are best kept as a pair or as a single male with a harem of females. Males tend to display more aggressive behaviors, especially when competing for food and defending their territory. If keeping a mated pair, it is best to introduce the female before the male to minimize aggression toward her (or them). Fish that are similar looking may increase aggression. Fairy Wrasses often sleep between rocks in a cocoon of mucus.

What are other names for the Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse?

The Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus lubbocki is sometimes referred to as the Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Lubbock's Wrasse or Tricolor Fairy Wrasse.

What type of aquarium is needed for the Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse?

Starting with a lidded aquarium with a minimum of 55 gallons capacity, aquarists should include live rocks that offer shade, and plenty of hiding places like caves or crevices, with plenty of space for swimming.

These fish often bury themselves in the sand, making a sand substrate an ideal choice. They exhibit this behavior when they feel threatened or while sleeping, as it provides them with a sense of safety.

What type of water does the Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse need?

Water parameters for the Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse are as follows: specific gravity between 1.020 to 1.025, water temperature of 72-78 F °, dKH (carbonate hardness) between 8 and 12, and pH levels between 8.1 and 8.4.

Is the Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse easy to keep?

Once acclimated, this Fairy Wrasse is a marine fish with an easy care level, though it is semi-aggressive in some situations.

What are the breeding behaviors of the Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse?

The Multicolor Lubbock's Fary Wrasse pairs distinct pairs during breeding.

What do Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasses eat?

The Cirrhilabrus lubbocki is a carnivore that requires a variety of quality meaty foods in order to display at its optimal coloration. Frozen Mysis and brine shrimp, and zooplankton are great options. If newly acclimated specimens are not readily accepting frozen foods, live foods may entice finicky fish to eat, and then transitioning to frozen foods afterward. Feed more than once per day only what can be eaten in a few moments. When the fish can find its natural food in the aquarium it requires less frequent feeding.

In Conclusion

Due to its dazzling physical display and peaceful nature, the Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse is highly sought after among marine and reef aquarists.

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