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The Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta shares the same care requirements as other Betta splendens varieties. As such, only one male Betta should be kept in an aquarium. However, the smaller, shorter-finned females may be housed together with caution. If kept in a community aquarium, the Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta should be housed with peaceful fish that will not nip at the Betta's glorious, flowing fins.
The ideal environment for the Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta is a filtered and heated aquarium that maintains a stable temperature between 75° and 86°F. For best care, the Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta should be kept singularly or with suitable, peaceful tank mates in aquariums of at least 4 gallons in size. In addition, the Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta also prefers having a variety of hiding places where it can rest or seek shelter Therefore, an appropriately-sized aquarium with proper filtration, heating, and aquascaping is essential for this otherwise hardy and colorful freshwater aquarium fish.
Bettas are relatively easy to breed in the home aquarium by the dedicated aquarium hobbyist. For breeding purposes, a male and female pair can be temporarily housed together. Once the female lays her eggs, the eggs are placed inside a bubble nest and tended to by the male Betta. Fry appear in about 24 hours and must initially be fed very fine food, such as crushed or powdered fish food flakes and newly hatched brine shrimp. Fry will also eagerly accept finely chopped hard-boiled egg yolk.
The Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta is a carnivore, and its diet should consist of a quality flake food, pelleted Betta diet, frozen or freeze-dried Bloodworms and Brine Shrimp.
Approximate Purchase Size: 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"
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