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Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish (Chaetodon paucifasciatus)
Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish (Chaetodon paucifasciatus)
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Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Black, Red, White
Diet Omnivore
Reef Compatible No
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 5½"
Family Chaetodontidae
Minimum Tank Size 70 gallons
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Care Level Moderate
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Black, Red, White
Diet Omnivore
Reef Compatible No
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 5½"
Family Chaetodontidae
Minimum Tank Size 70 gallons
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The Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish, also known as the Red Sea Chevron Butterflyfish, or the Redback Butterflyfish, is a relatively hardy butterfly that does well in a peaceful aquarium setting. The body of these fish is white with many black vertical lines, and a large red band covering the rear of the fish.

The ideal aquarium for the Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish should be 70 gallons or larger, with large amounts of live rock for hiding and grazing. They can be aggressive towards fish of a similar body size and shape, and towards members of their own species. They are best kept in a peaceful aquarium with non-aggressive fish. This species of Butterflyfish is not considered reef safe.

The diet for the Red Sea Eritrean Butterflyfish should consist of dried seaweed, Spirulina based foods, and vitamin enriched brine and mysis shrimp, as well as finely chopped meaty foods.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large: 3" to 4"

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