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Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula)
Flame Angelfish
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
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Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula)
Additional locales and sizes may be available!
Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Semi-aggressive
Color Form Blue, Orange, Yellow
Diet Omnivore
Reef Compatible With Caution
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 4"
Family Pomacanthidae
Minimum Tank Size 70 gallons
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What do these Quick Stats mean? Click here for more information
Care Level Moderate
Temperament Semi-aggressive
Color Form Blue, Orange, Yellow
Diet Omnivore
Reef Compatible With Caution
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 4"
Family Pomacanthidae
Minimum Tank Size 70 gallons
Compatibility View Chart
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The Flame Angelfish is a flashy addition to many aquariums. One of the most popular of the dwarf angelfish, the Flame Angelfish is a bold red/orange color with vertical black stripes highlighting the body and horizontal black stripes along the caudal portions of the blue-tipped dorsal and anal fins.

The Flame Angelfish requires at least a 70-gallon aquarium with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing. The Flame Angelfish is prone to nip at stony and soft corals, sessile invertebrates, and clam mantles. If the Flame Angelfish is to be added to a peaceful community, it should be the last fish introduced. The Flame Angelfish adapts well to aquarium life, but should be kept in an established system and housed with dissimilar genera. The Flame Angel is very sensitive to elevated levels of copper, and should never be exposed to levels near or above 0.15 ppm.

The Flame Angelfish is hermaphroditic, very difficult to breed in an aquarium, and has no distinguishable differences in color between male to female.

The diet of the Flame Angelfish should consist of Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, and other high-quality meaty items.

There are slight differences in both coloration and markings of this species based on the location of collection. Flame Angelfish from the Central Pacific include both Marshall Islands and Christmas Island. Marshall Island Flame Angelfish are redder in color, with thicker black bars running vertically down the body. Christmas Island Flame Angelfish are normally red/orange coloration with thin black bars running vertically down the body. Flame Angelfish from Cebu are red/orange with undefined black bars and a tint of yellow in between the bars. Flame Angelfish from Tahiti are rarely collected and are blood red in coloration and possess very little to no yellow. It is important to note that these color descriptions are a general guideline. Please expect variation among each fish. The price differences between different varieties reflect the difference in collection, transportation and importation expense.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 1-3/4"; Medium: 1-3/4" to 2-1/2"; Large: 2-1/2" to 3-1/2"

Customer Testimonials

Omar H. Port Washington , NY
Very hardy fish with beautiful colors but beware of aggression. I was able to keep two of these in a tank together with what seemed to be only playfighting so I thought I could bring in another angel (a Coral Beauty) and they ganged up on it together and killed it. They also act aggressively towards my Damsels. Other than that a great fish.
Candy V. Washburn , WI
This is an absolutely gorgeous fish. I've had mixed experience with their acceptance of different diets. Bold, beautiful, and active.
Craig L West Linn , OR
I purchased a Flame Angel for my reef 5 months ago, and thus far he has been an excellent addition. Very active, great personality, and has not bothered any corals (I do not have any clams). He picks at the rock and mouths things, but has never injured any of my corals.
Brian R Bridgeport , CT
I purchased a Flame Angelfish from the Christmas Islands in 2005, and it has been in my 75 gallon aquarium about a year. The Flame Angelfish is a great tankmate that's peaceful, hardy, and very colorful.
Kiley E Cedar Rapids , IA
My little Flame Angel has such a personality. He has made friends with my Diamond Watchman Goby. At night he will sleep in the burrows with him. As long as you keep him full, he will not nip at the coral.
Todd V OR
This is a beautiful, fearless fish with lots of personality and color. I just recently added a Bristletooth Tang to my tank and the Flame Angel is giving him a rude welcoming. I'd recommend adding this fish to your tank if he's the final addition to minimize any aggression towards newcomers. Otherwise, a must have for the home aquarium! I can't think of a more beautiful and brilliant fish!
Andy N Denver , CO
The Flame Angelfish is a nice addition to the aquarium, but if you have corals or a reef tank, beware. Sometimes they will nip and damage corals. Personally, I wouldn't add it to a reef tank. 
Mike R Loudon , TN
A Flame Angelfish is a very hardy fish, as long as you keep the nitrate down and feed it a variety of high-quality food. It will stay healthy and live a long time. 
Fred B Appleton , WI
Up until I had a heater mishap, this was a great little fish! It got along well with Yellowtail Blue Damsel. It was very friendly and outgoing and never really seemed afraid when anyone approached the tank. A very personable, happy little fish! 
Eric Boston , MA
I can second the comment about this being the last fish you add. Very territorial. Does nip at my soft corals some. Likes to hang out in the rock work. Not a huge swimmer.
Bob Woodbury , CT
This is a beautiful fish. Gets along with my yellow tang and 2 clownfish. I have had him for 6 months and have not had any issues with diseases. Great, hardy, attractive fish. Easy to keep.
Bob Y NYC , NY
I got a flame for my 72 reef. so far (knock on wood), it hasn't bothered any sps or my 5 clams. Just make sure to feed him angel food rich in sponge and algae.
Paul R Glendale , CA
In December 10th, 2008 my eight year old Flame Angelfish died. I decided to get another. I then looked at LiveAquaria as a oppurtunity to replace my lost pet. So far I am very happy with my new one. They seem to have personality in them so my Angelfish will never be able to replicate the exact way my other one was. If you don't overstock, you will keep agression to the minimum and they will thrive. I was lucky to have my angel live such a long time and hope to have my new Angelfish live even longer. They are great additions to a FOWLR tank and have many good traits of personality.
Eric P Atwater , CA
My Flame Angelfish is full of personality. It swims up and down for hours and comes up to the glass when I walk by or visit. It is very aggressive towards my Coral Beauty Angelfish but not to the other fish (Niger Tigger, Clown Tang, inverts, corals) It eats both sinking meat pellets and Frozen Green foods.
Zach S Cottonwood Heights , UT
So far, this fish has been AMAZING. it looks super fly and when people see it they are amazed at the colors and style it has. TECHNICALLY you are not supposed to put this fish with clams, but im going to test my luck soon. It hangs around liverock and mouths corals, but gets along with everthing including my two maroon clownfish, a pearly jawfish, and a yellow watchman goby. LIVE AQUARIA IS THE BEST WEBSITE FOR BUYING FISH!!!!
Rick H Ulysses , KS
I have had my Flame Angel for a year now and he is my most energetic fish that I have he eats what every I put in the tank but loves to frozen brine shrimp . These fish a very established tank to survive I learned the hard way and lost my very first one , but had success with the second one .
C R Cincinnati , OH
I purchased a beautiful Flame Angel from DF&S a couple of months ago and it arrived very healthy and is doing great in my tank. These little fish really "pop" in the tank. They add a lot of color to the tank. DF&S packs their livestock very carefully and I received them the next morning. I will definitely buy from them again.
Heather S Mount Orab , OH
I have had two Flame Angelfish and my first one died due to the tank overheating when the electric was out. The second Flame Angelfish came from Liveaquaria and hands down would have to be the most colorful. I love the Flame Angelfish it is so bright in color and just roams around throughout the Reef all day. My Flame Angelfish hangs out with my Male Longfin Fairy Wrasse all the time. These two get along great and are so cute together like little buddies. I will be ordering in the future from Liveaquaria they are great with their customer service and livestock is wonderful.
Joel S Glendale , NY
I have a 125 gallon fish only tank amazing fish to have in your tank full of energy sometimes a bit shy.
Zach P Surprise , AZ
I recieved my Flame Angel today and he is absolutely beautiful. I even orderd a medium and got a large. I have never seen a more colorful Flame Angel. Hes very active and does not pick on my corals. Great fish!
Esther Hebert Harvey
Love the color on this angelfish. Its reddish hue adds a dramatic pop of color. It nips away at algae on decor. I hope I have better luck with having this fish live a long time.
1-21 of 21 testimonials

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