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Linckia Sea Star, Blue EXPERT ONLY (Linckia laevigata)
Linckia Sea Star, Blue EXPERT ONLY
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
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Linckia Sea Star, Blue EXPERT ONLY (Linckia laevigata)
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Quick Stats

Care Level Expert Only
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Blue
Diet Omnivore
Reef Compatible Yes
Water Conditions 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size 1'
Family Ophidiasteridae
Supplements Trace Elements
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Care Level Expert Only
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Blue
Diet Omnivore
Reef Compatible Yes
Water Conditions 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size 1'
Family Ophidiasteridae
Supplements Trace Elements
Compatibility View Chart
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The Blue Linckia Sea Star is certain to be the shining star for the dedicated reef aquarium enthusiast. The unusual blue color of this sea star is truly remarkable and this standout color makes the Blue Linckia Sea Star a beautiful focal point. Its bright blue body may sometimes be embellished with red or purplish spots. The Blue Linckia Sea Star is also known as the Comet Sea Star, Blue Sea Star, or Blue Starfish.

In the wild, the Blue Linckia Sea Star is found in the sunny areas of the reef and reef fringe, constantly foraging for food. In the home aquarium setting, the Blue Linckia Sea Star prefers a well-lit sandy or coral rubble substrate, with many rocky hiding places. As a juvenile (when it has a blue-green coloration), the Blue Linckia Sea Star spends most of the day hiding in small caves or overhangs. As a larger adult, it can be seen anchored to the rocks or glass, waving one or two arms in the water, searching for small, free-floating microbes. The Blue Linckia Sea Star is generally solitary, but it will tolerate other starfish and amiable fish in the aquarium.

The Blue Linckia Sea Star is very intolerant of sudden changes in oxygen levels, salinity and pH of the water, and cannot tolerate copper-based medications. The drip-acclimation method is highly recommended for all Sea Stars due to their intolerance to changes in water chemistry. The Blue Linckia Sea Star should never be exposed to air while handling, and should be carefully monitored for the presence of a small parasitic snail, Thyca crystallina. In the wild, the Blue Linckia Sea Star is capable of regenerating a new starfish from almost any portion of its body that might break off. In the home aquarium, this is far less likely.

Small pieces of clam meat or tablets can be placed under the Blue Linckia Sea Star starfish to supplement its diet.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 0.5" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 4"; Large: 4" to 6"

Please note: We guarantee that ALL aquaria species we offer will arrive alive and in good condition. However, because of the increased level of care required for this particular species, it has been designated as "Expert Only." This species is recommended only for the expert aquarist, zoo, or research institution. “Expert Only” aquatic life is exempt from our extended guarantee after their arrival.

Customer Testimonials

Denise McL South China , ME
This star is well worth the money. It is actually cheaper than the others and is one of the best. It is a colorful thick star and is ready to eat the algae off from your tank glass. Conforms to the rocks in your tank, great cleaner. Don't forget the star is just as valuable at cleaning as snails, shrimps and crabs are. A must for everyone's aquarium.
Louise T Menominee , MI
L Right after introducing the blue Linckia into the tank, it started crawling all over the live rock in the aquarium. It is a beautiful sea star, and it will be the highlight of your tank (and a great cleaner). I ordered a medium, but it ended up being bigger than a large! Great buy.
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