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Home > Aquarium Supplies > Aquascaping > CaribSea® Eco-Complete™ Planted Aquarium Substrate, Black
CaribSea® Eco-Complete™ Planted Aquarium Substrate, Black
CaribSea® Eco-Complete™ Planted Aquarium Substrate, Black
CaribSea® Eco-Complete™ Planted Aquarium Substrate, Black
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*Complete, coarse aquarium substrate for luxuriant plant growth
*Contains live bacteria to convert fish waste into natural plant food
*Requires no rinsing, enabling faster setup of planted aquariums

Experience lush, exuberant plant growth with this black CaribSea® Eco-Complete™ Planted Aquarium Substrate.

Eco-Complete’s™ secret lies in rich, basaltic volcanic soil which contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur plus over 25 other elements to nourish your aquatic plants. Floraspore™ symbionts activate the root-substrate interface to facilitate the uptake of minerals and make for a healthier root and plant. The macro and micro porosity of volcanic grains creates tremendous surface area and the ideal environment for beneficial microorganisms.

Iron-rich Eco-Complete™ eliminates the need for laterite. No artificial dyes, paints, or chemical coatings. Eco-Complete™ has highly porous spherical grains for optimum diffusion performance and contains live Heterotrophic bacteria to rapidly convert fish waste into natural food for your aquatic plants. It establishes a natural biological balance which makes cycling a new aquarium faster and safer.

Bi-modal grading naturally separates into two distinct layers: a fine layer on the bottom for optimal root development, and a courser layer on top which helps convey oxygen and nutrients to the roots.

Package size: 10 pound bag
Typical Size: 0.25 - 7.0mm
Average Density: 54 pounds per cubic foot

Directions for use: Use one to two pounds of Eco-Complete per gallon of aquarium water. Two pounds per gallon will deliver the best performance. An ideal bed depth is 3". Eco-Complete is designed to be a complete substrate, but may also serve a bottom layer with your choice of non-carbonate substrate.

For new aquarium setups, simply pour in the entire contents of this bag and fill aquarium with de-chlorinated tap water, or, for best results, de-ionized or distilled water. Eco-Complete will automatically segregate into two layers, with the finer material on the bottom. For established systems, drain and discard most of the liquid contents of the product before placing into the system.

Warning: Placing new gravel over the top of an established gravel bed can be damaging to aquatic life. Gently mix new material into the existing bed with fingers. This process can be done in sections over the course of several days.

Note: - Eco-Complete may elevate pH above neutral and may not be suitable for Discus sp., P. alta, and sensitive freshwater shrimp.

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