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The Coral Demoiselle or Damsel Neopomacentrus Nemurus, also known as the Yellow-tipped Damsel, are found throughout the western-central Pacific including Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. With this large distribution, Coral damsels have some variation in body color that includes a dark or light blue-grey body, and with or without a prominent yellow caudal fin.
A 55 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary as this species can be aggressive if they are not provided with adequate space. They are a very territorial species, but several specimens of this species can coexist in the same aquarium, provided they are introduced simultaneously.
As they are part of the Pomacentridae family they are omnivorous in the wild and will need a diet of small crustaceans, zoo plankton/algae and flaked foods.
Approximate Shipping Size: 1" to 2-1/2"
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